Hand Surgery

Hand Surgery

Make Sure That Your Hands Are in the Best Hands

Whether you're dealing with a recent hand affliction or you've been struggling with the pain for years, don't let the pain in your hands dictate the rest of your life. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Thomas Rak, and start looking forward to a future without pain.

Dr. Thomas Rak is a board-certified plastic surgeon by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. He is also a fellow of the University of Plastic Surgeons. Trust our expertise and over 23 years of experience, and set up your appointment today.

Is Pain in Your Hands Interfering With Your Life?

Don't let it! Take control of that pain by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Thomas Rak today. We treat a wide variety of hand conditions:

  • Open or endoscopic surgery
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome
  • Tendon repairs
  • Hand fractures
  • Arthritis
  • Tumors
  • Dupuytren's contractures
  • Xiaflex injections
Set up a consultation with Dr. Thomas Rak.


We are constantly striving to perfect our techniques and expand our knowledge, to work with less invasive procedures and to always keep your recovery time at a minimum. Call Thomas P. Rak, M.D. and schedule an appointment today!

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